Podgorica Feb 9, 1999

(For AIM Podgorica by correspondent from Pristina)

AIM Podgorica, 4 February, 1999

All three main Kosovo Albanian political factions, representatives of Liberation Army of Kosovo (Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës -UCK) inclusive, will participate in negotiations on Kosovo in Rambouillet near Paris. On the surface it may seem that the agreement to participate in the negotiations within the Albanian party has been achieved quickly and easily. As known Ibrahim Rugova has agreed to participate in the name of the Democratic League of Kosovo during the meeting with Robin Cook in Skopje. Rexhep Qosja who is at the head of the political coalition of seven, mostly minor parties known as the United Democratic Movement had from the beginning conditioned his participation with the agreement of UCK to do the same. After a few positive Qosja's statements and the decision of UCK main staff to participate in the negotiations on Tuesday afternoon, participation of Qosja's political coalition was also ensured.

Regardless of internal divisions among Kosovo Albanians, it was clear that the essential asumption for a serious beginning of negotiations, at least when the Albanian party is concerned, would be the consent of UCK to participate. That is why the statement of the spokesman of UCK Jakup Krasniqi that UCK would send its representatives to the negotiations was received by Kosovo Albanian public with great relief. Decision of the main staff of UCK to accept negotiations is its political and diplomatic baptism by fire. But, it was not easy to reach this decision. Within just a few hours on Tuesday, a serious gap appeared in the relations between the main staff of UCK and the chief political representative of UCK Adem Demaqi.

Their relations have never been based on subordination. However, the clash between their stands on such an important issue such as the negotiations hint that there are deep doubts which will have to be clarified. They were indirectly cited in the latest statement of the main staff and approximately coincide with assumptions stated by Demaqi when he last addressed journalists. Having listed the essential elements of the situation and the fact that Belgrade has failed to meet requirements of international documents, Demaqi assessed that necessary conditions still have not been created for a successful beginning and favourable completion of negotiations. That is, he said, he had suggested to the leaders of UCK not to accept the invitation to negotiations. Speaking in his own name without any doubts he said that he would not go to Paris because he did not wish to sign an autonomy which he marked as capitulation.

After this clash of opinions concerning the essential question of negotiations in Paris, the very interesting question of relations between the main staff and Demaqi was opened. In view of their common goals, old and new connections, as well as old and new inclinations and affinities, it is premature to talk about their definite split. But, the impression remains that the decision of the main staff of UCK to accept negotiations was not unanimous, and it remains to be seen how this will reflect on quite decentralised and complex military and political organisation and structure of UCK.

It seems that strong pressure exerted for two or three days by American mediator Christopher Hill was one of the significant arguments in consideration of pros and cons the departure to Paris. One of the key issues which tipped the balance in favour of participation in negotiations must have been the promise or some kind of guarantees that great powers would not demand disarmament or dissolution of UCK. In the interview to Koha Ditore daily in Albanian, Jakup Krasniqi said that a part of UCK would become the police, and the rest would not be dissolved but remain the army of Kosovo. The main staff and its spokesman stress that by accepting negotiations, UCK confirmed continuous devotion to a poilitical solution and cooperativeness with the international community. On several occasions they stressed that the solution was to be found in negotiations, in the greatest vital interest of the Albanians and all the citizens, because that would save Kosovo further bloodshed and destruction. There is another very strong argument which spoke in favour of participation of UCK in the negotiations. In just a year, from being an organization suspected of terrorism it has turned into an internationally recognised protagonist of armed resistance in a local internal armed conflict.

Acceptance of negotiate and agreement to a transitional solution does not mean that UCK has given up on independence of Kosovo. For that reason apart from complaints against the proposed document of the Contact Group, representatives of the main staff of UCK will take to Paris their own propositions of a temporary solution. Krasniqi mentioned a few times that the main staff was preparing a document for participation in the negotiations stressing that the delegation of UCK would insist on three-year long international protectorate and referendum on self-determination after expiry of this period. This is not in compliance with principles proposed by the Contact Froup which are not negotiable. But, the Contact Group decided not to condition participation of the Albanians in the negotiations by their previous giving up on independance of Kosovo. This enabled full participation of Kosovo Albanians in the talks, but also their right to keep the issue of independence open, regardless of the temporary solution.

Therefore in Rambouillet, there are all three main Kosovo Albanian political factions. On Wednesday they made known the composition of their teams which would represent Kosovo Albanians. However, being in haste, in an atmosphere of great internal distrust and powerful pressure of the public for united appearance, despite certain initiatives, Albanian political factions not even on Thursday officially stated that they would appear as a united delegation. In the already mentioned interview Jakup Krasniqi declared that Albanian delegation can gather only around UCK and he enjoys Qosja's support on this matter. "Nobody has more right to decide on the destiny of Kosovo than those who fight and sacrifice their lives for it", said Krasniqi. In his own interview carried in the same issue of this Albanian daily, Qosja said that without representatives of UCK, no Albanian delegation can speak in the name of Kosovo. "Those who shed and still are shedding blood for Kosovo have Supreme formal and moral right to speak", he said. But, Rugova has the same ambition and therefore it is quite uncertain whether Kosovo Albanians will have a united delegation in Rambouillet.

Every political group has determined the composition of its separate delegation, without consultations with the others. Speculations that Kosovo Albanians would not appear as a single united delegation in Rambouillet implies that negotiations are also observed from the angle of the struggle for power inside Kosovo, even during the period of temporary status. Many believe that Paris is estimated as a significant chance for taking good starting positions in the struggle for domination over Kosovo and within the ethnic Albanian corps.

UCK is represented in Paris by Azem Syla, then there is the head of the political board of the main staff Hashim Thaci, spokesman of UCK Jakup Krasniqi, head of the board for civilian affairs of the main staff Rame Buja, and Xhavit Haliti.

Democratic League of Kosovo is represented by Ibrahim Rugova, chairman of Kosovo parliament Idriz Ajeti, prime minister in exile Bujar Bukoshi, and Ibrahim Rugova's advisors, Fehmi Agani and Edita Tahiri.

United Democratic Movement is represented by its president Rexhep Qosja, vice presidents Hydajet Hyseni and Bajram Kosumi, and secretary Mehmet Hajrizi.

Independent participants invited by the organizers are the publisher and owner of Koha Ditore Veton Surroi and editoar-in-chief of Kosovo Albanian political weekly ZERI, Blerim Shala.