Pristina Jan 25, 1998

AIM Pristina, 19 January, 1998

"They ride around in white jeeps", "They keep company mostly with the Albanians, who drum all kinds of things against the Serbs into their heads", "They are spying on us", "Conspiring against Serbia", "They are the advance unit of the NATO"... - "And ours are to blame for all that (the current Serbian regime is meant by this) which allowed them to come here in the first place"...

The listed quotations belong in a series of the most vehement assumptions or rather animosities with which interviewed citizens of Pristina of Serbian and Montenegrin ethnic origin characterise the presence and activities of representatives of foreign non-governmental organizations, and even of foreign journalists. Even if you by any chance came across a Serb domicile who would hold a more tolerant stand to foreigners from NGOs (and nothing to say about foreign diplomats), it is hardly conceivable that he would not at least be slightly uncomfortable because of their presence. In view of the fact that the Serbs are the party blamed for violation of human rights of the Albanians in Kosovo, as well as the party expected to make the biggest concessions (at least that is what it looks like from the aspect of Kosovo Serbs and the Montenegrins, which from that aspect again, is nothing else but giving up on Kosovo). it is logical that the "invasion" of white jeeps in the streets of the towns in Kosovo appears to them to be dangerous, provocative, and that it stirs up their trepidation. That is why it is most frequently possible to hear the following comment: "Who knows what he (Slobodan Milosevic) signed over there (in Dayton)?" The result: the Socialist win the Radicals in the elections in Kosovo - only thanks to stealing votes!

Therefore, from the standpoint of Kosovo Serbs and Montenegrins, the jeeps are here to "prepare the ground" for some of their future tragedies, possibly even exile.

Much has come down on Kosovo Serbs and Montenegrins like a ton of bricks: demonstrations of Kosovo Albanian students, the Liberation Army of Kosovo, white jeeps, the American "embassy" (Cultural Centre) in the part of Pristina called Dragodan, etc. All these things have the effect on them of clear signals that something is not right, that something is "cooking" in Kosovo, that the main "cook" is Slobodan Milosevic, and that the recipe for "Kosovo specialty" is coming straight from Washington. The result: apathy and annoyance, impulsive despondency.

For the sake of an illustration, recently a young man, Serb, was slapped by a policeman who demanded to see his identity card. Since he did not have it on him, the policeman asked him "What did you with it?". And the young man replied with a counter-question: "And what did you do with Drenica?" And then got a smack in his face...

Kosovo Serbs and Montenegrins would like to put a similar question to Slobodan Milosevic, but slightly broader: "What did you do with Kosovo" (since it is well known what he did with Krajina, so the people from there are nowadays "in the streets, poor and wretched" - they say)? There are also those who believe that it would be more appropriate to ask "What did you do with Serbia in general, and nothing to say about Yugoslavia"?!

The described phenomena and political developments affect the Kosovo Serbs and Montenegrins in the sense that a general conviction grows among them that in the long run there is no future for them in the increasing darkness in Kosovo. That is why it should not surprise that the prevailing opinion among the Kosovo Serbs is that they should get hold of everything they can and provide a refuge for themselves somewhere in Serbia. This refers especially to those who are in the position to "lay their hands on" the most. This according to the rule of connected vessels, also contributes to deterioration of the situation in Kosovo. An average Serb is striving to act as a Serb from the authorities and the economy the ideal of whom cannot be constructive. The main motto of life is therefore becoming: TAKE MONEY AND RUN.

Observed from that angle, the Serb position in Kosovo in the long run, indeed has no future. Who is to blame? One cannot say - the foreigners, the Albanians, not even so much Slobodan Milosevic, but the Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosovo themselves. Had they seriously intended to build their future in Kosovo, they would have made a great effort to bring as many Serbs as possible from other parts of the country, the necessary cadres, experts, intellectuals, etc., as well as to prevent departure of those who are from Kosovo. However, brains are dangerous! In the beaten track of corruption, sloppiness, foul dealings, nepotism and impotent nationalism there is no place for honest, young, educated, hard-working, who do not belong to any "clan", nor are interested in scheming, machinations, etc. Had the Serbs from Kosovo done more for themselves in the sense of raising its moral, professional, economic, educational values (instead of starting general plunder), there would have been much less disagreements with the Albanians. A positive example among the Serbs would have certainly caused the appearance of more moderate and constructive voices among the Albanians. In that case there would have been a much smaller number of white jeeps in the streets of Kosovo towns, and maybe even there would have been none, because if the Albanians and the Serbs (and the others) had been on a good track to reach an agreement about joint life in Kosovo, there would have been no need for foreign arbitration, peace-making and humanitarian teams. Probably both the Serbs and the Albanians would have been happy to see the Americans and the Europeans in Kosovo, but as tourists or business partners. But, this is just a dream which is unfortunately far from cheerless, muddy and dusty Kosovo reality.

AIM Pristina

Dorijan NUAJ