Stop for robbery!

Sarajevo Aug 22, 1997

Joint List '97

Sarajevo, 22 August, 1997 (AIM) - " Twenty - five days after agreement about establishment of Parliament Commission which should investigate manipulation with Donor's investments, on Monday, 25 August, 1997 is scheduled it's first session. The Commission members are representatives of all 10 Parliament parties. If leading parties denied activities of mentioned Commission, or denied to provide the documentation, it will be clear who is not interested in such investigation", was the information at today's press conference of Joint List '97. The conference was headed by Mr. Selim Beslagic (UBSD), Mr. Stjepan Kljujic (Republican Party), Mr. Mujo Kafedzic (MBO) and Mr. Kasim Vejzagic (SPP).

Joint List '97 will also, through it's representatives in B&H Parliament, insist on investigation on Protocol and "special" bank account affair. "It is unacceptable that state money is out of state control, specially, if we have in mind that the sum was, as the actors themselves confirmed, was about DEM 10 Mill.! Tuzla Year Budget is DEM 12 Mill.!", stated Mr. Beslagic, adding that, UBSD criminal charge against three involved Federal and Canton Officials, has no political connotation. "One of UBSD new slogans is 'Stop the robbery!', explained Mr. Beslagic.

The Joint List suggested a solution for pension problems: "B&H should take a credit at IMF, heal the Pension Found in a view to become a business firm which will be able to manipulate with money like everywhere in the normal world, instead of present Found of Mercy", stated Mr. Kljujic.

Also, if they win on September elections, Joint List will declare all cities as 'Open Cities' where everybody can return, depending on it's own will. "There is no bigger tragedy than to have two parties who can decide how many families can return to their homes!", stated Mr. Kafedzic.

Mrs. Biljana Plavsic has no support from Joint List '97. "There is no political change in RS! It is a fight for war plunder between two parties in SDS! When she did not succeeded in distribution of goods, she turned against crime in RS. We shall support her when we are given practical evidence of real implementation of Dayton Agreement from her side", stated Mr. Beslagic, adding that it is high time for Federal Government to inform public about the investigation on criminal activities on the relation RS - Federation.(End)