Toholj threats with 'Court Solution'

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997


Pale, 20 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Miroslav Toholj, Director General Serb RTV (SRT), warned with "Court Solution" because of OHR recent involvement in a matter of business and edition policy of SRT, which caused a damage of approximately DEM 500.000.

In his letter to Mr. Simon Haselock, Spokesman and Advisor HR, dated 16 August, 1997, he stated that "the right to judge the programs of SRT have Editors Collegium, spectators and RS Government authorized institutions, which founded SRT. Therefore, this 'exclusive right' can not be given to OHR. SRT is ready to broadcast 10 minutes speech of Mr. Gerd Vagner, Deputy HR, but on provided prices, because SRT exists on business and not on political basis. SRT exists on invested capital, not like some other electronic media in RS which exists on international politics and military finance", stay in the letter.(End)