Partiality on three points

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

Denial of Mr. Klickovic

Pale, 20 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Gojko Klickovic, Prime Minister RS, sent a letter to Mr. Robert Farrand, Supervisor Brcko, in which he denied that the RS Ministry of Interior is obstructing the issue of RS identity documents to the returnees from B&H Federation, accusing international community for partiality.

"RS Government consider that this problem was solved on 15 August, 1997, when RS Government ordered to RS Ministry of Interior to open three points where B&H returnees can apply for RS identity documents. The ID would be issued at the same points, two days upon receive of application", stays in the letter.

Mr. Klickovic emphasized that the points have been opened, but B&H citizens are not applying, deliberately obstructing agreement between Supervisor and Government. Therefore, he is very surprised by Mr. Farrand statement that "B&H Citizens might be issued B&H identity documents", which makes additional complications in Brcko, where already more than 3.000 Serb were denied to register themselves

    RS Prime Minister warned that "... Serb in Brcko were extremely patient, but certain moves can not be tolerated".(End)