Banjaluka - B&H Federal Canton?!

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

Minister Ninkovic warned Krajina citizens

Doboj, 20 August, 1997 (AIM) - "Today in Banjaluka started RS funeral. SFOR took over the key Police resorts in cooperation with domestic collaborators - deserters and people who never took the gun in their hands", stated today Mr. Milan Ninkovic, RS Defense Minister and President SDS Doboj at the meeting with local businessmen and journalists.

    "Biljana Plavsic started destruction of State; she was given a hint on telephone taping from US Embassy", said he, adding that "Banjaluka might easily become one of the B&H Cantons. That is their task. People from Krajna should grow wiser and understand that without RS they can achieve nothing"!(End)