Pistols and spanking - "message from Krajisnik"

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

Pressure on Judge

Banjaluka, 21 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Jovo Rosic, RS Constitutional Court Judge, informed at today's press conference about "friendly" conviction in hotel "Bistrica" Jahorina, one day before Public Hearing.

"About two o'clock in the morning I herd knocking on the room door. When I asked 'Who it is'?, there was no reply. After second knocking I recognized a voice of Gevera, a waiter in hotel: 'Rosic, open up. You have a message from Krajisnik!'. I had no fear, because I spent three years in this hotel when I was Justice Minister and I was awaken like this before. When I unlocked the door, I could see Gevera and two unknown young men who entered the room while Gevera vanished. They knocked me down on the bed, pointing pistols at my temples. The one from the right side said: 'You will not vote for that Banjaluka bitch'! Shocked, I said that I will not. The other than repeated: 'Than, it is a deal'?, and I confirmed.

Last what I remember was sentence: 'If not, you will be liquidated'! Than, they kicked me into the loins and right thigh, and I fainted", stated he, adding that he was transferred in the morning to the Urgent Medical Center Pale for two days, after which he left for Banjaluka, where he made another medical checkup.

He also, informed that his position in Main Board SDS and all other SDS forums is frozen, because his political activities are incompatible with his Judge duty.(End)