Labeling instead of evidence

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

UBSD announcement

Sarajevo, 21 August, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding yesterday's public announcement of Mr. Edhem Bicakcic, Prime Minister B&H Federation, in which he commented UBSD crime charge against him, today there was another public announcement, this time from Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, President Executive Board UBSD:

"UBSD in it's crime charge dated 18 August, 1997, presented strait evidence regarding illegal activities of Mr. Bicakcic, Mr. Haracici and Mr. Kozaric in accordance to the Federal Finance Law and B &H Constitution.

Instead of presenting contra evidence, Federal and Canton officials started to stick bad labels to the UBSD name. But, in spite of all this, UBSD will insist on solution of this case, and in fight against crime activities in general in B&H, regardless to election or post-election periods.

"If Canton Attorney does not react on our charge in a next few days, we shall insist on IPTF and other international institutions independent investigation".(End)