Support for Mrs. Plavsic, critics for Mr. Beecroft

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997


Sarajevo, 21 August, 1997 (AIM) - "Crisis increase in RS has it's reflection on general situation in B&H", stated Mr. Ismet Grbo, Spokesman SDA B&H, at today's press conference, describing Mrs. Plavsic as "ultranationalist who was not involved in crime activities in RS". According to his opinion, because of force used, B&H Constitutional Court does have a reason to take certain actions regarding the solution of crisis in neighbor entity.

SDA opposed the permanent "equalizing of national parties in B&H" by some of B&H media, where foreign diplomats are giving their personal view on B&H situation. As en example, he mentioned Mr. Beecroft interview to Studio 99, where he, commenting mutual currency, charged "representatives of national parties", which SDS strongly denies.(End)