Is "Lijanovic" affair worth DEM 100 Mill. ?

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

Special bank account affair

Sarajevo, 21 August, 1997 (AIM) - According to the AIM source, "special" bank account is not worth DEM 1o Mill. as Mr. Kemal Kozaric, Finance Minister Canton Sarajevo stated, but ten times more!

"Special" account is talk of the day in Canton Sarajevo, because UBSD party brought a criminal charge against signatories: Mr. Edhem Bicakcic, Prime Minister B&H Federation, Mr. Midhat Haracic, Governor Sarajevo and Mr. Kemal Kozaric.

AIM wanted to ask Mr. Drago Bilandzija, B&H Federal Finance Minister, for his opinion on this subject. He should be aware of incriminated account, because of his position in B&H Government. As advised by the Madame engaged in Minister's Cabinet, AIM sent a fax message with simple question: "Is it possible that Mr. Minister is ignoring 'special' account affair because somebody is ignoring 'Lijanovic' affair"?

After the fax and several phone calls, AIM was given back the same fax on which was stated in writing: " 'Lijanovic' has been given regularly the Custom Contingent Certificate!!" (End)