No point in local elections

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

Social-Democrat Party B&H (SDP)

Sarajevo, 20 August, 1997 (AIM) - "Clash inside RS is brought almost to the war level between Banjaluka and Pale, and it is heaving the reflections on B&H Federation. It is obvious that international community spent all it's mechanisms needed for solution of this situation", said Mr. Senad Avdic, Vice President SDP B&H at today's press conference, adding that only objective solution is canonization of RS.

"Such situation makes September local election senseless", stated he, informing that only in Srebrenica there are more than 10.000 new registered persons and in Brcko 18.000, who never used to live in those places. "If OSCE is to accept such election engineering, there is no point in local elections. Recent situation would be cemented", said he, adding that new 40.000 NATO soldiers should be given a mandate to secure free movement in B&H, so that the returnees can go back to their original homes.

Also, SDP considers that B&H Parliament Members are not enough interested in Ombudsmen Office Report - there should be a Parliament session where the subject will be 'Human Rights in B&H'. Responsible Ministries should create the programs for total return, instead of programs where 20 or 50 families are returning. The only barrier is obstruction of leading parties.(End)