Kijac is expected to resign

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

International Organizations Press conference

Sarajevo, 20 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Saymon Hayslok, Spokesman OHR B&H, stated at regular press conference that OHR is supporting Mrs. Plavsic, as a legal elected RS President, adding that, after yesterday's meeting with Mr. Westendorp, Mr. Gelbard and Mrs. Plavsic, it has been decided to start with reconstruction of Police Forces in Banjaluka.

Mr. Liam McDowel, Spokesman IPTF, informed that investigation spread over to the Police Academy and another five Civil Police Stations. In the Security Police Building IPTF sized about 500 tapes with conversation of Mrs. Plavsic, foreign diplomats, foreign representatives engaged in Banjaluka and threats to the Constitutional Court Judges.

Heaving in mind that this is a flagrant violation of RS Constitution, B&H Constitution and European Convention on Human Rights, Mr. Hayslok stated that the criminal charges must be brought against the actors. Also, there is evidence of Mr. Dragan Kijac involvement, and International community is expecting him and his Deputy to resign.

New Parliament elections in RS, according to Mr. Hayslok, are only solution for recent crisis in RS. Therefore, Mr. Westendorp and Mr. Gelbard are to meet today in Vienna, other Representatives OSCE to discuss mentioned solution and OSCE supervision of it.

Mr. John Blakeley, Spokesman SFOR, informed that situation in Banjaluka is calming down, but some groups of civilians are moving from one police station to the other, where IPTF, secured by SFOR, is having an investigation of recent events. By now, in those stations irregular weapons was found. Official report will be published after the investigation.(End)