Destabilization in a view of destruction

Sarajevo Aug 21, 1997

SDS Party announcement

Banjaluka, 20 August, 1997 (AIM) - SDS issued today a public announcement in which they informed that IPTF, threatening by force, took over all buildings belonging to the RS Ministry of Interior in Banjaluka.

"Legal RS Police organs are unable to act in accordance to their constitutional duties, because of this action supported by Mrs. Plavsic, RS President. At the present we have a try of destabilizing of all legal institutions of State in a view to it's total destruction", stays in the announcement.

"From the very beginning of its political activities, SDS insisted in Programs on union of Serb, regardless to their political standings, which led to the establishment of Republika Srpska. Because of present situation, we appeal to the all citizens to sty calm and defend the Republic acquired at a steep price", stays at the end of announcement.(End)