Replaced policemen refuse the take over

Sarajevo Aug 20, 1997

Security Center Banjaluka

Banjaluka, 19 August, 1997 (AIM) - New Acting Chief of National Security, Mr. Predrag Ceranic, informed at today's press conference that new Acting Chief of Public Security, Mr. Milan Sutilovic, was not able to take over his position in Police Building in accordance to the RS President decision from Sunday, 17 August, 1997. He was opposed by Mr. Stojan Davidovic, Sector Police Chief, who informed him that he was suspended. Mr. Stulovic denied such suspension, and after half hour conversation, he left the building.

Mr. Nedo Sevo, Acting Chief Public Security, stated that they are responsible only to the RS President, and very soon they will take over peacefully the Security Building.

Mr. Ceranic stated that Mr. Kijac has been suspended, and therefore, can not act as Police Minister.(End)