SDS denied it's destruction with explosive devices

Sarajevo Aug 20, 1997

Independent Social-Democrat RS Party (SNSD RS) announcement

Banjaluka, 19 August, 1997 (AIM) - During the night on 18 August, 1997, in the building of SNSD RS in Pelagicevo, a huge quantity of explosive was activated. The building which belongs to the SNSD RS Municipal Board Member, has been destroyed.

"After numerous threats from actual government to stop the activities of opposition, they used a final "condition" of persuasion. That is only another proof of how existing SDS can be "saved" by certain group of the persons who level their own interest with interest of Serb people", stays in SNSD RS announcement, adding that with such "arguments" leading party definitely has lost it's credibility to govern.

"In spite everything, SNSD RS will continue with it's political activities", stays at the end of announcement.(End)