"Serious consequences"

Sarajevo Aug 20, 1997

Mr. Robert Gelbard comments recent RS activities

Pale, 19 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Robert Gelbard, Special Envoy USA for Balkan, warned last night Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency, that RS will come under "serious consequences" if in next few days there is no solution on Citizenship, Passports and Civil Aerospace Control.

"We did some pressure on Mr. Krajisnik, as well as on Mr. Izetbegovic and Mr. Zubak. Those problems has to be solved in agreed term. USA Government consider Mr. Carlos Westendorp, HR B&H, to be too generous, when he stated that there is no enough initiative between the B&H Presidency Members, regarding mentioned subject", said Mr. Gelbard after the meeting with Mr. Krajisnik. The same consequences might be produced because of taping of persons and institutions in Banjaluka, where Mr. Krajisnik promised an investigation and respect of Law.

Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President, presented yesterday at press conference the evidence that police loyal to the suspended Police Minister, Dragan Kijac, taped her telephone and telephones of the two RS Constitution Court Judges from Banjaluka.

"Judge Kuzmanovic expressed during his conversation with spouse, that he is afraid for his life in Pale. Other Judge, Mr. Jovo Rosic was seriously beaten before Court Hearing day on Jahorine", informed she on Serb TV, adding in one moment: "Dear listeners, are you aware that State National Security is using for your President code name 'Thunder'? Would you vote for President who will be taped? Who issued such order and why? I hope that I shall be able very soon to give the answers on those questions, even one can guess today, because all tapes were sent to Pale!"

She stated that Specialist Police Forces entered the Security Police Building in Banjaluka without her permission, and SFOR acted on behalf of Mr. Krajisnik's request.

"After all this new facts, the decision of RS Constitutional Court should be treated quite differently", said she, adding that from captured materials in Police Building in Banjaluka, one can read that Judge Kuzmanovic (the one supported Mrs. Plavsic) in his conversation with Judge Rosic, described Judge Tihomir Loza as " a whore who likes to please the Old Man (Gaso Mijanovic, Head of Court), and Slobodan Kovac as "a peasant who do not understand the Law".

Mr. Krajisnik confirmed at press conference, after the meeting with Mr. Gelbard, that there was threatening of one Judge, pointing out that this person is member of Main Board SDS. He commented that this was done by "persons who wanted to make a scandal", repeating that the RS Constitutional Court verdict is obligate for all, calling international community to approach this problem with more objectivity.

    American diplomat, did not agree, stating that "US Government and Venice Commissions consider RS President decision as constitutional one. We couldn't agree with Mr. Krajisnik on this subject. We consider that there was pressure on Judges of Constitutional Court"!

RS Government warned Gen. Eric Shinsheki, Commander SFOR, that RS Police Ministry might act with force, if para police of Mrs. Plavsic does not leave the Security Building in Banjaluka, and give it back to the legal users. In the same time, RS Government accuses Mrs. President for establishment of parallel police and military forces. Also, RS Ministry of Interior formed a commission which will investigate Banjaluka events. The Commission asked IPTF and SFOR to be given documents and tapes which were captured by Lukac Police Group in Banjaluka.(End)