President Municipal Executive Board resignation

Sarajevo Aug 20, 1997


Bijeljina, 19 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Svetozar Mihajlovic, President Municipal Executive Board Bijeljina and Member of Main Board SDS resign yesterday from all party functions and from SDS membership. He issued a press announcement in which he stated that he did not agree with hasty conclusions of the Main Board SDS and Directives No. 6.

    "As a Member of Main Board I was not able to exert influence on more reasonable political statements. Significant number of Municipal Board SDS had the same opinion, but so called Presidency Municipal Board decided for strait course, assigning itself  to the personality instead to the  reasonable policy. There is no happiness for SDS or Serb people with Ostojic and alike, who are solving RS problems with lies, cynicism, cheep promises and fabricated inner enemies. 

"How to explain the facts that up today, there are no sanctions for scandals like 'Oil 1', 'Oil 2', 'Aluminum', 'Golf cars' and recent 'Sugar'?. Crime is not that dangerous if it is not backed by system institutions! I have insisted that all persons who supported crime should be removed from system institutions and organs, because that is a condition for normal activities of state", stays in Mr. Mihajlovic statement.(End)