New evidence

Sarajevo Aug 19, 1997

UBSD activities

Sarajevo, 19 August, 1997 (AIM) - "We consider that Mr. Midhat Haracic, President Canton Sarajevo and Mr. Kemal Kozaric, Cantonal Finance Minister, through their recent statements, confirmed our accusation. They confirmed that more than DEM 10 Mill. at special bank account, has been taken from Canton Sarajevo and given to certain individuals", stays in today's announcement of UBSD.

"Mentioned sum was not represented in Canton Sarajevo Budget Report in period 01 January - 30 June, 1997, so that MP either from leading or opposition parties were not able to point at such illegal act! Actually, the sum couldn't be represented, because the money was on special bank account. Minister Kozaric, either was not aware of this Report, or he was deliberately giving wrong information", stays in UBSD statement.

Such behavior shows high level of privatization of state means, and a try to describe that illegal act as an act of mercy and care for pensioners and invalids, is nothing but manipulation. The status of ex worriers, pensioners, invalids and unemployed should be solved through the institutions of system, and not by special bank accounts, which reminds of secret (black) founds.

All this shows that we were right when we brought a criminal charge against mentioned persons, stays at the end of UBSD announcement.(End)