"No comment" on journalist question!

Sarajevo Aug 19, 1997

Canton Sarajevo Governor accused

Sarajevo, 19 August, 1997 (AIM) - Why the Protocol signed by Mr. Bicakcic, Mr. Haracic and Mr. Kozaric, has not been published? Why in the Protocol does not stay clearly that the money is targeted for pensioners, invalids and unemployed, instead "for special intentions"? Those were some of the journalist's questions which made Mr. Haracic, Governor Sarajevo, nervous at today's press conference. The conference was organized to explain to the public, what made mentioned "Trio" sign the Protocol which established parallel bank account.

Mr. Haracic started the press conference informing about what the Canton Government has done (special benefits for pensioners who receive less than DEM 100), providing even an announcement regarding this subject. In that announcement stays that activities of Federal and Canton Government can be monitored by several institutions. Therefore, the Protocol between Federation and Canton was no secret at all! Signing such document nobody overstepped the functions! All could be checked by simple question at the Assembly session by any of MP. According to the announcement, the main and only task of this Protocol was to help pay off of the pensions to the pensioners and invalids. This way, the Federation Budget is supported, and Governor himself is proud to be able to take part in realization of such move.

The Governor criticized opposition for "dirty election campaign trickery", emphasizing that "there is no special bank account, but only the Protocol, and the idea was given from B&H Federation Government?".

When asked "Who from Federal Government, he had no comment. Also, when asked why there is no trace about it in Budget Report, he said that question should be directed to Mr. Kozaric, who was absent. Further on, when asked why the Protocol was not published because this is retargeting of public means, Mr. Haracic answered: "And why should it be published?"

Numerous other questions were not answered (why the target was not specified, why Federal Minister gave no order for opening of account, etc.). Any how, the journalists have been informed that Governor of Canton. May be the Canton Attorney will know more after the investigation?(End)