Help or trick?

Sarajevo Aug 19, 1997

Help for pensioners in Canton Sarajevo

Sarajevo, 19 August, 1997 (AIM) - Pensioners who originally live in Sarajevo and who receive less than DEM 100 per month, are to be given next three months a help of DEM 50,oo. The Canton Government should accept at next session such suggestion, which will help mentioned beneficiaries to pay electric bills, gas bills or central heating bills in a similar way, the ex soldiers are paying it.

Amount of DEM 4,65 Mill. will be provided from Canton Budget. The List of Beneficiaries will be provided by Canton Ministry of Work and Social Welfare in cooperation with Canton Finance Ministry. If this is going to be continued next year, depends on Canton Budget.

Why such decision was brought three weeks before the elections, or just after UBSD crime charge against high officials? A help or a trick? Or, may be it is just by mere chance?(End)