Unreasonable opposition by RS Police Ministry

Sarajevo Aug 18, 1997

Meeting Plavsic - Farrand

Banjaluka, 18 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President received Mr. Robert Farrand, Supervisor Brcko today in Banjaluka. Mrs. Plavsic stated after the meeting that, it was a regular meeting at which Mr. Farrand informed her about the situation in Brcko. She stated that she was not been given a full information by official government, but she will take care about it.

"I have to point out that I do not understand the opposition from RS Police Ministry regarding the provision of RS documents for the B&H returnees. Identity cards must be issued, because that proves that the citizen is regular citizen of RS who is to obey the RS law! It is not human to leave people without identity document. Also, they might be given B&H Federation documents, which is dangerous for RS and Brcko", stated she, her, thanking to Mr. Farrand for his patience in this subject.

"After convincing B&H Federation to accept RS documents for the B&H returnees, now we have situation that Pale Police does not approve Brcko Police to issue mentioned documents! That might cause disturbance in returning process, and than, nobody will know how many persons returned to Brcko. It is normal that such facts are in Police interest", said Mr. Farrand, repeating that nobody will be expelled or will be without lodging. That is why the cooperation with Brcko authorities is very important.

Asked, where will vote more than 3.000 persons whose registration has been denied in Brcko, Mr. Farrand answered that they may vote in other parts of B&H, in accordance to the election rules. The responsibility for such situation is with municipal authorities in Brcko and in organized illegal activities during the first process of registration.(End)