"We are facing new Parliament elections"

Sarajevo Aug 18, 1997

RS President press conference

Banjaluka, 18 August, 1997 (AIM) - "We are facing new Parliament elections. Those events motivate all persons who are democratly positioned to form new Parliament in which MP would be able to vote free by their conscience", stated Mrs. Plavsic, RS President, at today's press conference, organized regarding the verdict of RS Constitutional Court and recent events in Police station building in Banjaluka. She emphasized that all discredited institutions will be changed, but she had "to start from top, because all orders were coming from Assembly decisions", pointing out that there should be no more ambiguous laws, but simple and clear to everyone. She stated that RS Constitutional Court verdict as it is, was expected, but surprising is attack on the life of Mr. Jovo Rosic, Judge. "Constitutional Court lost its credibility, and from now on, every citizen will ask itself, what are his chances regarding fear trial at lower Courts?"

   Mr. Milan Dupor, Legal Councilor RS President, stated that 

RS Constitutional Court verdict has no legal right: "We shall ignore the verdict because, the RS Constitutional Court absolutely has no authority to discuss or judge such cases. It is well known that, everything done under pressure, by black mail or by fraud is illegal and produces legal effect".

Present journalists have been given copies of materials captured by Specialist Police Forces in Police Station building in Banjaluka. There is the documentation about private talks of RS President, her Cabinet Members, but also, opposition leaders conversation. RS President Legal Councilors stated that, after the investigation of captured material proofs, the criminal charge will be brought against Chief Center National Security Banjaluka, because of unofficial taping.(End)