Mrs. Biljana Plavsic first to violate the rules

Sarajevo Aug 18, 1997

Stormy weekend in Banjaluka

Sarajevo, 18 August, 1997 (AIM) - Yesterday's action of Specialist Police devoted to Mrs. Plavsic, when they sized Police station building in Banjaluka, is nothing but prolongation of constitutional crisis in RS. The situation is brought to the heating point, and solution is expected in a few next days.

The incidents started in Banjaluka on Thursday, 14 August, 1997, when one of Judges from RS Constitutional Court was beaten. As it is already known, RS Constitutional Court decided (5:1 split decision) to cancel the RS President's decision on dismissing of RS Assembly. Mr. Symon Hayslok, Spokesman OHR B&H, stated that its Office has not jet received official information and, therefore, he has no comment, but he emphasized that official standing of OHR is that Venice Law Commission opinion is to be respected.

After two relatively peaceful days, Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency, asked Headquarters SFOR in Ilidza to send RS Specialist Police Forces in Banjaluka to prevent the incidents. The request was denied, and at OHR's request, SFOR and IPTF intervened in Banjaluka.

Unofficially, one of the SFOR representatives informed that Mrs. Plavsic sent about 50 Specialist Policemen at 4:30 p.m. to size main police station in Banjaluka, which provoke other policemen from other parts of Banjaluka to move against them a view to protect their colleges in occupied station. In the afternoon, about 18:30 SFOR and IPTF members intervened with armed vehicles to prevent further incidents. The Specialist Police returned to their station. The same SFOR representative informed that, in a case of conflict, SFOR would react against Mrs. Plavsic policemen.

The point of this action was that all telephone conversation from RS President Cabinet was taped and sent to Pale.

After the IPTF entered the building, they found tapes, documents and illegal weapons. Mr. Alexander Ivanko, Spokesman IPTF, stated that IPTF investigation will be going in a few directions: -who organized attack on RS Constitutional Judge (which is in opposition to the Annex1 and European Convention on Human Rights), -investigations of five store police station building All documentation of investigation will be passed up to the Office of HR B&H. IPTF investigators will be protected by SFOR.

General opinion is that Mrs. Plavsic made a bad move, because she was first to violate new rules regarding Specialist Police Forces. It seems that she badly wanted mentioned materials (tapes and documents) because they contested something what she wanted to hide, and what Pale can use against her. Mr. Symon Hayslok stated that, after the investigation, the tapes and documents found in station will be published. That is to prove that OHR is not supporting any of sides involved in clash in RS.(End)