RS President decision is constitutional

Sarajevo Aug 16, 1997

Mr. Rajko Kuzmanovic, Judge has separate opinion

Banjaluka, 16 August, 1997 (AIM) - Prof. dr. Rajko Kuzmanovic, Judge RS Constitutional Court, did not agree with Judge Board decision and separated his opinion from their.

He gave his explanation in writing: "Amendment 60 of Art. 72 of RS Constitution givees the right to the RS President to dismiss the Assembly after hearing the opinions of RS Government President and RS Assembly President. It is very clear and indisputable", pointing out that RS President respected this Amendment which have consultative character.

Also, there is no evidence about the term in which mentioned Presidents should give their opinion. The term of 48 hours on which Government insists is in regard of subjects which are in Government authorization, but not for the acts of RS President. Further on, the RS Constitutional Court was not authorized to discuss nor to decide about RS President act, because it was "obviously single and political act of RS President".(End)