Another 7 Board Members resigned

Sarajevo Aug 16, 1997

SDS disintegration in Banjaluka

Banjaluka, 16 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Vitomir Popovic, Vice President City Board SDS, confirmed today that another 7 Members of City Board left the party: Mr. Branislav Lolic, Vice President CB, Mr. Durad Banjac, Vice President RS Government, Mr. Velo Racic, Director Shoe Factory "Bosna", Mr. Momcilo Poparic, Director Bank Banjaluka, Mr. Novak Kondic, Mr. Lazo Tomic and Mr. Petar Crndak.

In the same time, he denied the resignation of Mr. Savo Cuk, Mayor Banjaluka, Mr. Nedeljko Cubrilovic, President City Government, Mr. Ratko Raca and Mr. Ostoja Kremenovic, as was informed by some alternative media.(End)