Two Bosniaks arrested in Tomislav Grad

Sarajevo Aug 15, 1997

International organizations press conference

Livno, 15 August, 1997 (AIM) - The subject of meeting was reconstruction of B&H Police Forces under the General Framework Agreement for Peace. This policy is designed to assist, accelerate and ensure police restructuring and reform and return of Bosniaks in Jajce. As Mr. Mike Wright, Spokesman SFOR, stated, "Entity police forces will be brought into line with the standard of police forces recognized by most democratic nations. Essentially, the impact of this change in policy is that the Entities' Specialist Police Forces, which have not been duly certified by IPTF, will become subject to the provisions of Annex 1A of the General Framework Agreement for Peace".

As for return of Bosniak in Jajce, he hopes that local police will provide measures for it's realization.

Mr. Luke Wahner, Spokesman Regional Office Bihac OSCE, informed about activities regarding registration and election process.

Mr. Alun Roberts, Spokesman IPTF, informed about certain incidents in region of Herzeg Bosnia Region, where two Bosniaks were arrested in Tomislav Grad, who has been accused by local police for criminal activities in this region. He also, excused himself for incorrect information he presented at last press conference, regarding black mailing of Bosniaks returnees by local officials.

Regarding private hunting weapons taken by relatives before SFOR came into a region, and which is probably in the SFOR store houses, the answer was that this is the first time that SFOR faced such request, and they have to investigate the fact.(End)