Aluminum reaction

Sarajevo Aug 15, 1997

SDA Coalition in Mostar

Mostar, 15 August, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding second visit of high Croat diplomats to Aluminum Combine Mostar, SDA Coalition "For B&H" issued an announcement in which is stated: "

"Coalition 'For B&H' is asking Federal Government to investigate the facts about investments of foreign money in 'Aluminum Combat' Mostar. Actually, Mr. Mijo Brajkovic, Mayor of Mostar and Director General 'Aluminum Combat' Mostar, should make a report about this subject. Also, the process of privatization in Mostar should be under investigation, because some persons are using foreign money illegally in it.

Obviously, in this case the Laws of phantom 'Herzeg Bosnia' state have been used. The wander is, why some foreign countries are supporting such activities. Also, this subject should be brought at agenda at the meeting between Croat and B&H Government representatives. If not, citizens of Mostar will find a way to bring this subject into a public focus.

On the other hand, also should be investigated the facts about investments with which 'B&H Electric Distribution' started reconstruction at the Electric Plant Mostar.(End)