SDS keeps Serb people in uncertainty

Sarajevo Aug 15, 1997

Independent Social-Democrat Party RS (SNSD RS)

Banjaluka, 15 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Milorad Dodik, President SNSD RS, described at today's press conference in Banjaluka, recent situation in RS as situation in which actual Government (SDS) keeps Serb people in uncertainty.

As an example he mentioned the situation in Brcko, where local police denied to issue RS documents to returnees from B&H Federation, which directly affect arbitrage decision on Brcko next year. The same effect has the statement of Mr. Jadranko Prlic in Zagreb weekly 'National' where he stated that Brcko is national interest of Croats. "Mrs. President warned about Mr. Buha's offers for trade of territory (Sipovo and Mrkonjic grad) for some coast territories. May be, next time, he will trade Banjaluka?", said he, adding that such events proves that SDA, HDZ and SDS are in cahoots.

He commented last request of SDS to the OEBS as another try of leading party to fake the elections by escaping from strait count of votes in the field.(End)