Judges mercenaries, Ambassadors coachmen

Sarajevo Aug 15, 1997

Serb Homeland Front RS (SOF)

Banjaluka, 15 August, 1997 (AIM) - "The RS Constitution has been created for Karadzic, and he had right to dismiss the Assembly", said Mr. Vojo Kupresanin, President SOF, at today's press conference in Banjaluka, describing the RS Constitutional Court as an exponent and it's Judges as mercenaries of leading party. "They make a stage performance for Serb people and foreigners, unfortunately", said he.

Commenting future RS Ambassadors, he described them coachmen relatives of leading persons: "They are uneducated men, who actually attended two months diplomatic course in Bijeljina".

Also, the famous statement of Jadranko Prlic, he described as brotherly aid of HDZ to it's coalition partner SDS in election campaign: "This way, he (Topic) hopes that Serb people will stick to the SDS, so that HDZ will be sure of realization of already agreed arrangements", stated Mr. Kupresanin.(End)