DEM 3 Mill. needed for finalization

Sarajevo Aug 15, 1997

Foundation for Banjaluka Temple

Banjaluka, 15 August, 1997 (AIM) - Foundation Board for building of "Christ the Savior Temple" decided at yesterday's meeting to continue the building of mentioned religious building.

Mr. Jefrem, Bishop of Banjaluka and President of Foundation, stated that it is recent obligation of Banjaluka Serb, because "this holly temple has enormous moral, soul and strategic sign for RS and Serb people in all. In about two years the Christianity will celebrate 2.000 years anniversary, which should be marked with this new temple", mentioning that Banjaluka region started in last 100 years the building of 6 churches, but always had only one for service.

Mr. Ratko Radujkovic, Archpriest, informed that for basic ground works the costs were DEM 391.000,oo, and for finalization it is needed another DEM 2,85 Mill.

Mr. Dragan Davidovic, RS Minister of Religions, promised that the State will support the building of the Temple.

There were no mentioning of destroyed mosques in Banjaluka.(End)