Flag and currency without religious marks

Sarajevo Aug 14, 1997


Sarajevo, 14 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Ismet Grbo, Spokesman SDA, stated today at press conference that, "B&H flag and currency will be designed without religious symbols, which can satisfy all four confessions in B&H".

The flag is heaving a final design in the Office HR B&H, and is to presented in few days. There are two suggestions: first with three colors red, green and blue and second, single color with neutral symbol.

Repeated visit of Mr. Robert Gelbard to B&H, SDA considers very useful. "He will meet B&H Presidency members and discuss realization of previous obligations. Return of refugees, design of B&TH flag and currency is also the reason of his visit", said Mr. Grbo.(End)