Whom and how to hate in B&H?

Sarajevo Aug 14, 1997

Opening of Bihac mosque

Bihac, 14 August, 1997 (AIM) - To use an opening of Bihac mosque as an appeal for apartheid is inadmissible, but also, it is hard to explain, why present media did not publish it? What happened? During an official opening of the Mosque in village Vrapcici near Bihac, certain Fuad Spahic in his opening speech appealed to "Muslim to be in love with Muslim", which is fine and very heartfelt. But, further on he, also appealed to "Muslim to hate all neighbors who are not Muslim and not to be married with such".

This "happening" was noticed only by local members of one opposition party (social-democrat orientation). They found out, but not for sure, that mentioned promoter is doctor of Islamic Science, but nobody know who invited him or in which behalf he was addressing present guests. The question is: Has the election campaign began?(End)