Croat Government forbids milk purchase

Sarajevo Aug 14, 1997


Livno, 14 August, 1997 (AIM) - On Tuesday, 12 August, 1997, the Police of Republic of Croatia forbid the purchase of milk for representatives of Livno Dairy Store at the territory of that State. "Milkers" from Livno cooperated for more then 20 years with milk suppliers from Udovicici, Svib, Svibic, Vinica, and Jasenjak (more than 80 cooperates, providing about 1.000 liters of milk), so that this move was quite a surprise, but not for the first time. Similar situation was in 1994 and it was initiated by "Agro-koka" Imotski, which wanted no concurrence in business. Mr. Zeljko Marijan, Director of Livno Milk House, stated that previous situation was solved by Croat villagers itself, who stick to the idea of cooperating with Livno.

This time, it is not "Agro-koka" but Split Dairy's interests. In Livno do understand that today it is territory of other State, but persons from Croat Ministry of Agriculture should be aware that Livno invested in that area significant amount of money in last 20 years, and simply it is not fair to cut them off like this.(End)