Number of unemployed bigger than in evidence

Sarajevo Aug 14, 1997

B&H Federal Institute of Statistics

Sarajevo, 14 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Hasan Zolic, Director of B&H Federal Institute of Statistics, at today's press conference stated that the number of unemployed in reality is bigger that in evidence of his firm. That is because in most firms the workers are at "Stand By" positions, and in private sector is, almost impossible to register employed persons. Any how, the number of employed in July, 1997 is the same as in December, 1996.

Total number of employed at the B&H Federation territory is 337.273, of which 89.946 are on "Stand By". In Administration there are 77.593 persons and in economy 259.680 persons. Regarding the population this is very low rate of employment.

Living costs are bigger for 9,3% compared to last year, with highest prices in Zenica and lowest in Sarajevo (without costs of lodging, heating, communal costs, education and clothing).(End)