Mr. Klickovic threatens with boycott

Sarajevo Aug 14, 1997


Brcko, 14 August, 1997 (AIM) - Reacting to the order about identity documents for Brcko returnees, issued by Mr. Robert Farrand, Supervisor Brcko, Mr. Gojko Klickovis, President RS Government, stated: "Mr. Farrand upgraded the problem of identity cards to the political level, probably in a view of accelerating the process of return. This order is strictly against RS police, and it is concession to other side. If he thinks that he is doing an election favor to those who are returning, than he is wrong, because the question is if there will be the elections? If Mr. Robert Frowick, Chief of the Mission OSCE in Dayton B&H and gentlemen from Provisional Election Commission do not accept suggestions from RS Government, than there will be no elections, and speeding up leads to nowhere, or it leads to contra effects".

Mr. Klickovic added that RS accepted Dayton Agreement and Annex 7, accepted arbitrage in Brcko, and, therefore, there is no reason for documents not to be issued in Brcko if it has been done in other places in RS.

"We shall react to such orders as RS Government. We are for negotiations, but without pressure or black mailing", said Mr. Klickovic, adding that he will ask Mr. Farrand for the meeting to discuss the procedure of return.(End)