Our politic opponents are SDA and HDZ

Sarajevo Aug 13, 1997

Social-Democrat Party B&H (SDP)

Sarajevo, 13 August, 1997 (AIM) - "There is no serious State in this region while B&H is represented by Catholic in Catholic states, by Orthodox in Orthodox states and by Muslims in Muslim part of the world", said Mr. Gradimir Gojer, Vice-President SDP B&H at today's press conference, adding that, "it is extremely frivolous, not to have a platform for foreign activities, neither on the Federal or State level".

"Form 'P2' is still existing in B&H, and it has been used in different ways for lot of malversations. As OSCE already denied 3.500 persons registrations in Brcko because of such malversations, the same should be done in Capljina, Mostar, Stolac, Zepce and some other cities in B&H" said he, emphasizing the inefficiency of OSCE, proving that with fact that still there are no official information about the number of registered voters regarding their new addresses. Also, almost all registration commissions were made of one nation, depending of locations.

"The biggest obstacle to the return of all B&H refugees is the policy of national parties which approve the return to the ethnically clean regions, and even than on reciprocity logic. There was enough time, agreed in Washington and Dayton, not to mention the money (that is left to Mr. Robin Cook, as he already started it)", said Mr. Gojer, adding that it is unbelievable when Mr. Vladimir Soljic, Federal President, stated that he had no information about what was happening in Jajce, three days after the event.

Commenting press question, if SDP is coming back to the 'Joint List 97', Mr. Gojer stated that SDP political opponents are not the parties from the List, but SDA and HDZ.(End)