Dragan Kijac out of negotiations

Sarajevo Aug 13, 1997

International Organizations Press conference

Pale, 13 August, 1997 (AIM) - At the Banjaluka meeting, Gen. Shinsheki, Commander SFOR B&H, Mr. Kai Eide, Special Envy Secretary General OUN and Mr. Manfred Steiner, Commissioner IPTF, provided Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President and Mr. Aleksa Buha, RS Foreign Minister, the Draft Plan of Reforms in RS Police Forces. According to the information given by Mr. Alexander Ivanko, Spokesman IPTF, Mr. Dragan Kijac, suspended RS Minister of Police, is not acceptable person for the negotiations, which started 2,5 months ago. He, also added that both entities have been treated equally, and RS police will be given support immediately after the agreement is signed.

With an assistance of IPTF, OSCE and Office HR B&H, from Bihac prison yesterday was released Milorad Marceta, who was captured in October, 1996 while traveling in UNHCR bus. He was accused by B&H police as war criminal. Mr. Ivanko stated that was against Rome Agreement about freedom of traveling.

Mr. Saymon Hayslok, Office HR B&H, repeated it's position regarding constitution crisis in RS

Mr. David Foley, Spokesman OSCE, informed that Expert Commission for Media will meet on Friday, 15 August, 1997, to discuss misuse of media during registration period. Again International organizations protested against Serb RTV which, in spite of Mr. Krajisnik's promises, reported about Radovan Karadzic. Mr. Ivanko specially pointed out that, the accusations against Hague Tribunal are unfounded, as well as an article about Srebrenica, where a new common grave has been found, and identification is still on. "The victims have been found handcuffed on the back, which indicates an execution", stated Mr. Ivanko, asking Serb media to publish his statement in accordance to the RS Press Law.(End)