Palestinezation of B&H

Sarajevo Aug 13, 1997

B&H Patriot Party (BPS)

Sarajevo,13 August, 1997 (AIM) - "BPS is asking all sides which signed Dayton Agreement for it's strict implementation, and not, so called, deceleration", stated at today's press conference Mr. Sefer Halilovic, President BPS. This statement is reaction on Mr. Izetbegovic's announcement, after his meeting with Croat President in Split on 6 August, 1997, which says: "I think that we, and other who signed the Agreement, were too optimistic some about some terms in it, for example: terms for the return of refugees, punishment of war criminals, freedom of movement. We overrated the speed of it's realization". If this announcement is approved by other signatories of Dayton Agreement, Mr. Halilovic (ex B&H Army General) is afraid that will cause the Palestinezation of B&H, which means that 650.000 Bosniaks and B &H Croats will not be back from 120 countries where they are in exile.

Heaving in mind that Norway, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Spain and USA already offered an asylum, BSP is asking itself, if it is a preparation for acceptance of existing situation and final division of B&H?(End)