Mr. Klickovic promised a humanitarian aid

Sarajevo Aug 13, 1997


Srebrenica, 13 August, 1997 (AIM) - RS Government answered to the appeal of Srebrenica Municipal Government and local Red Cross for humanitarian aid. During yesterday's visit, Mr. Gojko Klickovic, President RS Government informed that RS Government will provide the aid from State Good Reserves.

"Needed quantities of 50 tones of flour, 8.000 l. oil, 4 t. of sugar and 4 t. of pasta will be delivered each month. Also, we shall tray to provide hygienic kit", said Mr. Klickovic.

Mr. Mico Pavlovic, President Red Cross Srebrenica informed that 80% of population is in need if humanitarian aid. At the moment, the only organization which is giving aid to Srebrenica is USA Red Cross, but that is an aid for persons over 65 years of age.(End)