SFOR visits facilities staffed by RS SPF

Sarajevo Aug 13, 1997

Reform of RS Police

Brcko, 13 August, 1997 (AIM) - "Inspection of facilities staffed by RS Specialist Police Forces realized in the region of SFOR Division North completed today, showed very good results. There were no unregistered weapons", said Maj. Gen. Goran Saric, Commander SPF. This has been confirmed by Maj. Gen. David L. Grange, Commander Multinational Division North.

Commenting the "Instructions for Specialist Police", Maj. Gen. Saric described it as very rigid, which puts this police totally under Annex 1a, which means that police is on the same level with RS Army. "We want to stay as police, as we were during the war, not to be stored in military barracks. Therefore, we have daily discussion with SFOR representatives in Pale. I think that some changes will be done. Ministry of Interior RS is ready for reconstruction, and we would like to do it together with IPTF, but, somehow, it's representatives are not in contact with us lately", added Maj. Gen. Saric.(End)