No evidence of security violations

Sarajevo Aug 13, 1997


Brcko, 13 August, 1997 (AIM) - On the initiative from persons In Local Communities Stari rasadnik, Brodusa and Dizdarusa, located in the Separation Zone, today in Brcko was organized a meeting with the representatives of Municipal Government. The subject was 'Security situation raised by return of Bosniaks'.

Representatives of Local Communities expressed the fear of uncontrolled return of B&H Federation citizens who "threaten, provoke and even, attack Serb population". Mr. Zdravko Krajisnik, President Local Community Stari rasadnik described it as "occupation". Also, they protested against SFOR patrols with caterpillar-type vehicles which are damaging existing roads.

    At the end they concluded to shekel a meeting with RS 

Government representatives in a view of help with infrastructure problems.

No real evidence of security violations was given.(End)