Protest against Izetbegovic Commission

Sarajevo Aug 12, 1997

Joint List '97

Sarajevo,12 August, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the announcement of B&H President Commission for Investigation of Donations Misuse, Joint List '97 made a public protest because the Commission is mononational and from one party, but also, because the action has been reduced to only 42 Donators. The List's standing is that all malversations done from the beginning of the war till today, should be investigated. The results of investigation should be published, and eventual actors brought to the court.

Also, the List representatives are asking for an explanation regarding accusations from RS about smuggling goods between entities during the war period. The List is insisiting in reactivation of B&H Parliament multi- party Commission established by B&H Federation House of Representatives which should be in charge of mentioned investigation.(End)