SDA locked the seal

Sarajevo Aug 12, 1997

"Novo Sarajevo" Municipality

Sarajevo, 12 August, 1997 (AIM) - "Existing Decisions regarding the Distribution of Apartments and Business Offices in 'Novo Sarajevo' Municipality, have not been discussed or accepted at the session of Provisional Municipal Council", said President of Municipal Appeal Commission, at today's UBSD press conference. (He is the member of UBSD).

At it's session from 1 August, 1997, scheduled by 1/3 of members (without the presence of SDA members), but with enough present members to make legal decisions, accepted were Decisions regarding the Changes and Supplements in Statute on Organization of Municipality. This was done in accordance to the B&H Constitution, by which the Municipal Council can appoint it's Secretary.

When the Secretary was appointed, the Municipal Council established the Commission for Distribution of Apartments and the Commission for Appeals of Citizens. None of these Decisions was published because there is no official seal. Actually, official seal exists, but it is locked in some of drawers belonging to the some of SDA leaders. According to his words, SDA members of Municipality Council are obstructing the activities since B&H Government placed a ban on SDS activities. (SDS party won the elections in this municipality in 1990). He doubts that, the suggestions for next session of Municipal Council will first be approved by Executive Board SDA, and than, represented to the Council.(End)