Draft Agreement for reform of RS SPB

Sarajevo Aug 12, 1997

Plavsic - Shinsheki - Eide talks

Banjaluka, 12 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic received today in Banjaluka Gen. Eric Shinsheki, Commander SFOR B&H and Mr. Kai Eide, Special Envoy Secretary General OUN and Mr. Manfred Zeitner, Commissioner IPTF.

After the one hour meeting Gen. Shinsheki stated that the subject of meeting was reform in RS Specialist Police Brigade. "Today's meeting is another effort to accelerate the reforms of
police Forces in B&H", said he.

According to Mr. Eide statement, Mrs. Plavsic has been invited to continue the negotiations on Police reforms which started few months ago, but were stopped. "It is high time to continue the negotiations. We hope that the solution can be reached by the end of this month", said Mr. Eide, adding that Draft Agreement is already at the table.

After the meeting there was no comment from Mrs. Plavsic.(End)