Preparation for Session

Sarajevo Aug 11, 1997

RS Constitutional Court

Pale, 11. August, 1997 (AIM) - At the next RS Constitutional Court Session, scheduled for Tuesday, 12 August, 1997 at 11:00 hours, the RS President will be represented by Mr. Milan Trbojevic, solicitor from Banjaluka, and other side will be represented by Prof. Dr. Radomir Lukic, while Mr. Slobodan Kovac, Judge will give opening word.

At Court hearing seven judges will take part: Prof. dr. Gaso Mijanovic, Prof. dr. Dubravka Alagic, Prof. dr. Milos Blazic, Prof. dr. Bogdan Loza, Prof. dr. Rajko Kuzmanovic, Mr. Jovo Rosic, Mr. Slobodan Kovac and Prof. dr. Milorad Simovic, Secretary of RS Constitutional Court.

In Hearing, in behalf of RS Government will appear: Mr. Ostoja Kremenovic, Vice President RS, Mr. Branko Petric, Minister of Justice RS, Mr. Vitomir Peric Secretary RS Secretariat of Law with his Deputy, Mr. Gradimir Radenovic.

President Plavsic will be represented by dr. Petar Kunic and dr. Zdravko Zlokapa, both professors at Law Faculty Banjaluka, while RS Assembly will be represented by Mr. Miroslav Vjestica, Vise President RS Assembly, Mr. Mirko Sarovic, President Legislative Commission RS and Ms. Staka Gojkovic, Secretary General RS Assembly.(End)