Great number of voters left out

Sarajevo Aug 11, 1997

Check of Voters Lists in Brcko

Brcko, 11 August, 1997 (AIM) - "According to the information we have, during eight days of checking of provisional Voters Lists in Brcko, about 10% of Brcko citizens are left out the Lists, even they have regularly registered", said Mr. Mladen Rosic, President Municipal Board SDS, adding that such situation, if add 3.500 persons who were transferred to register in Federation, Brcko might loose Serb Government.

"The Election Appeal Submission decision which instructed 3.500 Serbs to vote in B&H Federation, is to be discussed on 15 August in Sarajevo. We also, expect that Mr. Robert Farrand, Supervisor Brcko, will take part in discussion in Sarajevo", added Mr. Rosic.(End)