"I am about to form a new party for elections on 12 October"

Sarajevo Aug 11, 1997

RS President statement

Banjaluka, 11 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, RS President confirmed at today's press conference, that she will form a new party for RS Parliament elections on 12 October, 1997. "The Party Program will be the same one which led Serb people seven years ago and united it, and it's base will be the protection of Serb interests in this region", said she, adding that more than 2/3 of SDS members do not agree with politics created by recent SDS leadership.

She informed that two days ago, she received the letter from Mr. Gerd Wagner, Deputy HR B&H, in which he warned her that RS Government in Brcko refused to issue RS identification documents to Bosniak returnees, and if it is a fact, they will be issued B&H Federation documents.

"This process was prolonged by refusing of B&H returnees to be issued RS Documents at first. After negotiations with Mr. Izetbegovic, that population agreed to accept our identity cards, but now, our police refused to do it. That was one of the motives to suspend the Minister of RS Police, who refused to contact me and to cooperate with IPTF. I do not have to warn what such behavior can create in March, 1998, when there will be a final decision about Brcko". She put in charge VicePresident RS to go to Brcko and to warn RS Government representatives about such suicidal behavior.

Commenting the statement from Mr. Aleksa Buha, Acting President SDS and VicePresident RS, that "she is acting irrationally", Mrs. Plavsic stated that, "only irrational behavior is confrontation to the international community, which leads RS to destruction and create aversion between Serb people and rest of the world". She mentioned that Mr. Buha, in several occasions, discussed with HDZ representatives the trade of RS land (part of Krajina, Mrkonjic Grad and Sipovo) for some land at the Adriatic coast. "That is a proof that they are creating one party state, but one party has no rights to discuss such subject", said she.

Commenting the acting of state owned media Mrs. Plavsic pointed out that their editing politics has been changed in a way that now 2/3 of it's editions are dedicated to the RS President critics. Goebels propaganda politics is week comparing to this one. Mrs. Svjetlana Siljegovic, Minister of Information RS should take care about it.(End)