Secret Lists and Specialist Police Forces

Sarajevo Aug 11, 1997

Talks Mr. Krajisnik - Gen. Shinsheki

Pale, 11 August, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency from RS, stated after the meeting with Gen. Eric Shinsheki, Commander SFOR, that "secret Lists from Hague Tribunal
are the problem which makes a great difficulties for active work of RS representatives in mutual organs". He believes that this problem will be solved, pointing that events in Prijedor showed that the problem should be solved in some other way, because the Lists are creating a fear and public reactions which can not controlled .

Mr. Krajisnik confirmed that he discussed with Gen. Shinsheki about the control of RS Specialist Police. The RS Ministry of Interior will appoint the Liaison Officer to the IPTF and SFOR.

   Mr. Krajisnik and Gen. Shinsheki had a private discussion for one 

hour after the official meeting. According to their announcements, they did not discuss extradition of Karadzic and Mladic to the Hague Tribunal.

Mr. Krajisnik described this visit as a courteous, in a view of good relations: "We want SFOR to be also in function of peace and to be accepted by Serb people in accordance to it's mandate

  • as peace keeping force".

Gen. Shinsheki stated that "the meeting, the first between the two, was cordial and was positive first step in building a relationship between the two leaders. It resulted in a guarantee of cooperation and a commitment to keep the lines of communications open".(End)