'Mr. Karadºiå does not influence my work'

Sarajevo Aug 10, 1997

Mr. Momčilo Krajiþnik on SRT

Pale, 9. August, 1997(AIM) - "I would feel bad and immature if Mr. Karadzic bothered of influenced my work", announced last Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, member of the B&H Presidency, explaining on the RS radio and TV station show that former RS president currently has no political influence. Mr. Krajiþnik publicly stated that indicted war criminals were discussed during his talks with Mr. Richard Holbrooke, and that Mr. Holbrooke informed him that Mr. Karadzic had no influence on political happenings. "I told Mr. Holbrooke that we want to cooperate with Hague and that we will provide to them all documents available to us, since we want to determine the truth" stated Mr. Krajisnik. He described this part of the conversation with Mr. Holbrooke as the process of realisation of the objective possibilities in connection to the delivering the indicted war criminals. "We discussed objectivism of what is permitted by the RS Laws and Constitution", said Mr. Krajisnik and stated that Mr. Holbrooke was interested in the issue of the relations toward Mrs. Plavsic, RS President.

Mr. Krajiþnik said that the safety of Mrs. Plavsic was not endangered and that RS president should not be relieved of her duty unless she became " the factor of disturbance in the implementation of the Dayton Accord".(end)