The conditions fulfilled, the projects signed

Sarajevo Aug 10, 1997

RS Government refuted Mr. Holbrooke

Pale, 9 August, 1997 (AIM) - RS Government evaluated the statements of Mr. Richard Holbrooke as "absolutely incorrect and unfounded". He stated that RS Government refused to execute the project on traffic and education which were prepared to be presented to the World Bank.

" In January of this year, the Government agreed upon and signed the projects "Education", while the project "Traffic 2" was agreed upon and signed in May of the current year, due to the problems of World Bank agreeing with B&H Federation" was emphasized in the yesterday's statement of RS Government.
The statement further said that RS Government fulfilled certain number of conditions which were to decide upon the presentation of the project to the Administrative Board of World Bank. "Any attempt to transfer the responsibility for eventual disapproval of the project on RS Government is unfounded and groundless", announced the text.(end)